#tbhk mokke
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akane-aoi-irl · 6 months ago
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Hamster mokke here to invade the world
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sh7ma1 · 2 months ago
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It's them but digitally!!! 😰
I wanted to try the tbhk style with the coloring and everything.. this time I MADE MITSUBA'S SCARF YELLOW!!!!! 😭 ITS CORRECT!!🎉🎉
Hopefully y'all like it cuz it was fun to draw and I might do it again :]
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thelunarfairy · 3 months ago
Christmas Event 2024 (Twitter X)
Hey, did you know? There are rumors about Santa Claus coming on Christmas Eve.
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Good kids receive wonderful gifts from Santa Claus, dressed in red. But Santa Claus dressed in black comes to the bad kids and they will have a scary experience…
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Is he a good kid? Or a bad kid?
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Bad kid!
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Is he a good kid? Or a bad kid?
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Bad kid!
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Bad too!
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Is he a good kid? Or a bad kid?
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Oh, He almost saw me, goodbye!
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Is she a good kid? Or a bad kid?
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Good girl!
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Nice catch, Nice catch!
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Christmas work is yet to come. Were you all good kids? If you were a bad kid…
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st4riii · 17 days ago
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Hes sleepy (posting this 3 months late shh)
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mokke-often · 8 months ago
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With a face like that who wouldn’t be putty in his hands (HELP US HELP US HEL)
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justafriendlyhuman · 10 months ago
💖 Tiara and Fairy Minamoto 💖
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talleslittlelion · 2 months ago
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skai-lly2 · 12 days ago
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skythegogglehead · 1 month ago
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New Toilet Bound Hanako Kun merch!
Carry around your favorite character as a Mokke with these adorable acrylic holo charms!
Now available on etsy
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dailyfigures · 1 year ago
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Hanako-kun ; Toilet-bound Hanako-kun ☆ Orange Rouge
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funnyfox-chan · 30 days ago
Mokke drew those humans, the toilet guy is weird 🍭
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Anyways this is Mokkes attempt of drawing the doodle.
And this is the original
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Mokke will draw again 👍💥💥💥🍭🍬🍓✨
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hoshi-phantom · 1 month ago
I made some mokke
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akashi-tetsuki · 1 year ago
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Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun || Ep.3
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aquamarinebling · 2 months ago
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the minis they are sick in the head
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mokke-often · 5 months ago
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asher-agere · 1 month ago
Little Hanako + (Mainly) Caregiver Tsuchigomori
Uhh yeah hyperfixation is taking over my brain, sorry guys it will happen again
Hanako visited the 4 o’clock library quite frequently. It wasn’t an abnormal occurrence for him to just show up there, usually attempting to annoy Tsuchigomori in some way. However what was strange was that when he’d shown up, he’d actively put effort into not being seen. He’d made sure Tsuchigomori had been away. He’d caused problems for his old teacher, just to make sure he’d stay away. He was also causing trouble for his friends… Maybe telling Kou Tsuchigomori needed to be exorcised was a bit mean. But in his defense he knew Kou wouldn’t actually do it…
He’d just needed the opening to get in here undetected. He wanted… His wants were confusing. He wanted to be alone. But he longed for the comfort of company. Ironic wasn’t it? More like frustrating… Nonetheless here he was, tucked away between a few shelves and bawling his eyes out. He was biting down on his hand to muffle the tears. Why was everything so overwhelming? Tsukasa kept causing problems, Kou thought he could fix everything, and Nene was being so insistent to learn about his past! Which was… Admittedly sorta cute. But he didn’t want to tell her. Not yet. They still had more time…
And Hanako found himself feeling like just the small, scared little boy he used to be. Sneaking into Tsuchigomori’s office to take care of his injuries. He could remember the way his teacher used to wrap his injuries… He sobbed harder as he clutched at his arm, it was bare of course. Ghosts don’t get injured as easily as children do. Why had life been so complicated? He hadn’t wanted any of it. He’d… He wanted to be an astronaut. Yet when it came time to do something with his life… He’d ended it. But it never ended did it? Death was supposed to be the end why was he still here?
Hanako didn’t know how long he sat there, sobbing to himself as his thoughts spiraled, but his thoughts were interrupted by a loud booming voice “Hanako! Explain yourself!” It was Tsuchigomori… Oh of course he was mad. Hanako had set up a disaster with Tsuchigomori as the victim. Of course. What had he expected, for Tsuchigomori to come looking for him? To be worried? To hold Hanako in his arms and ask him what was wrong? Selfishly yes. That’s exactly what he’d hoped would happen. He barely allowed himself to breathe staying silent
Tsuchigomori sounded angry. There were loud thuds and he could hear the librarians stomping feet. But moving right towards him. Eventually he came into view… “Did you seriously think you could hide from me in my own boundary? Hanako! This isn’t-“ Tsuchigomori stopped in front of him, deflated almost as he clicked pieces together “Oh… Hey kid” Hanako finally mustered up the courage to actually look up at Tsuchigomori. Right there was that kind gentle expression he’d desperately wanted to see. But… Did he really deserve care?
“‘M… Sorry. Mis’er” Tsuchigomori frowned and gently held a hand out. He didn’t touch him, just held his hand there like you would to a rabid dog. An upset Hanako was like a wild animal after all. Tsuchigomori spoke in his gentle voice “Save the apologies for later. I expect apologies, but you can tell me later alright? Here… Cover your ears for a moment” Hanako bit his lip, but he did obey. The hand being removed from his mouth so he could cover his ears, then Tsuchigomori called out over his shoulder “I found the kid! Scram now” Sure enough being told to leave had the absolute opposite effect
Footsteps were running their way and Kou came into view “You found him! Is he-“ Hanako spotted Kou and his bottom lip started wobbling as he fought the urge to cry, Kou seemed to spot him too because he looked confused, then understanding, then just concerned. Tsuchigomori was far from pleased though. He extended another four arms to block Hanako from view as he narrowed his eyes into a glare. Kou seemed dumbfounded “Is… He ok? That’s not really normal for- I mean he just doesn’t- Not very frequently-“
Tsuchigomori stepped forwards, pushing Kou with all six of his arms now “You. Leave. Now.” Kou tried sending another worried glance at Hanako but Tsuchigomori wasn’t letting him. So… He left. Then Tsuchigomori turned his attention back to Hanako, sitting down on the floor “You have rather persistent friends don’t you?” Hanako looked down at his knees silently. Hanako didn’t regress often, even less so around his friends. He didn’t fit in. Kou was pretty happy when he regressed, and Nene may cry and complain a lot but it was over silly stuff. Not big issues like he worried about…
Tsuchigomori sighed and used one of his arms to grab a book, he leaned back against one of the bookshelves Hanako was hiding between and started to read. They stayed in that comfortable silence for awhile. Eventually Hanako slowly creeped forwards a bit, looking over his teachers shoulder. The words were fuzzy, but there were pictures of the moon and the stars, planets and the sun… It in equal parts made Hanako want to relax, and want to start sobbing all over again
Tsuchigomori seemed to notice him and closed the book, he turned so they were facing each other. Hanako noticed the four extra arms were tucked away now… “How are you feeling?” That got an almost immediate thumbs down. Tsuchigomori hummed briefly “I suppose I could’ve expected that… Did anything specific happen?” Hanako frowned. A lot of specific stuff happened. How did he sum it up? Narrow it down to just one thing? For better or for worse it was centered around one person… “‘Kasa…”
Tsuchigomori hummed and gently patted him on the head “Good job using your words kid. Everything’s alright ok? He’s… Doing his job. To an extent. He just might need some reminders of what’s considered too far. That’s too much thinking for a little guy like you though. You’re safe where you are now. I know it can be a lot. But… You’ve got some good people in your life kid. It’s ok to mess up, but let’s not give up, ok? You’ve already tried that before” Hanako winced slightly at the wording and Tsuchigomori ran a couple fingers through his hair
“I’m not mad at you. You know that right? I would’ve loved it if you got to keep living, got to grow up, got to… Go see the moon. But… Being here with you for eternity ain’t so bad either” Hanako smiled softly and Tsuchigomori smiled back, wiping the boys tears gently. He took off his coat and draped it over Hanako, the tiny boy was absolutely swimming in the jacket “There. I’ll fight you to get that back some other day” Tsuchigomori picked his book back up, and this time he read out loud, Hanako rested his head on his teachers shoulder contentedly
After awhile the tiny fox Yako came running through “Mr. Spiderrrr. Hey! Where-“ Then she spotted them and scampered over. She briefly looked at Hanako but mainly focused on Tsuchigomori who looked far from thrilled, Yako started talking before he could complain “I am dealing with a worried mother hen up in the bathroom! Or should I say a worried mother fish?” Hanako perked up slightly, but quickly shrunk in on himself. Yako continued “Kou came rushing in rambling about a tiny upset boy and Nene refuses to leave it! Perhaps if her master told her to calm down…”
Tsuchigomori sighed and turned to look at Hanako, growing a few arms to block Yako from view “You feeling better?” Hanako was hesitant, but he nodded. Tsuchigomori smiled softly “Good, think you wanna play with your friends a bit kid?” Hanako was even more hesitant this time, but again he nodded. Tsuchigomori stood up and picked him up, holding him safely in his arms “Right then, let’s go. Fox you run ahead and tell Nene to calm down, I’m bringing her boy” Yako protested to being called to as fox, Tsuchigomori used it like a title not even as a name! Neither were acceptable but still, she ran ahead
Tsuchigomori carried Hanako up to the girls bathroom to Nene frantically talking to Yako (“Why can’t I go see him? What if something’s wrong? Yako please!”) and Kou standing next to her watching the door, Kou noticed the two walk in and lightly bumped Nene to get her attention. Nene looked up at the door and gasped as she saw Hanako safe and sound, she quickly rushed over and her expression softened “There you are! You didn’t show up today and I was so worried and then Kou told me- Oh nevermind. We don’t need to talk” Nene smiled softly and adjusted Hanako’s hat
“Silly boy worrying me like that, next time just ask to go play with Tsu ok?“ Tsuchigomori moved to sit on the ground with Hanako still in his arms as Nene shuffled around to pull some coloring books and a pacifier. She held out the pacifier to Hanako carefully “Don’t want dirty germs in your mouth now do we?” Hanako wanted to argue that he was a ghost, it’s not like he’d get sick. But he also saw Nene glance at his hand covered in bite marks, plus the pacifier was pretty soothing… So he accepted it, he leaned forwards but still stayed in Tsuchigomori’s lap as he started coloring, Nene praising him every step of the way. Sure he may not be alive, but in a lot of ways this was better than what he’d had when he had been alive. So… Maybe it wasn’t so bad
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[DNI ID: A beige box with a red border. To the left are three mole and to the right Hanako. Red text reads “DNI if your blog isn’t child safe. I will block NSFW accounts” End ID]
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